

We have some great webinars coming up! Register for them with the links below!

Day in the Life of a Stepping Stones Classroom

This interactive session will provide a glimpse into a Stepping Stones math lesson from the perspectives of students and teachers!


Session 3: A Day in the Life of a 4th Grade Stepping Stones Classroom

·         Date and Time: Mar 25th at 4:00 PM ET

·         Description: This session will provide a glimpse into a Stepping Stones math lesson from the perspectives of a 4th grade student and teacher!

·         Registration Link


Multiplication and Division Progression Webinar

Join us for an engaging webinar series exploring the progression of multiplication and division concepts across grade levels. This series will delve into the developmental stages of these operations, highlighting key strategies and representations that build a strong foundation for mathematical understanding.

Participants will gain insights into extending basic fact fluency to more complex concepts while supporting students making connections. Each session will provide an activity to support effective instruction within the progression.


Session 3: Extending Basic Multiplication Fact Strategies Through Grade 4 and Beyond!

·         Date and Time: Mar 11th at 4:00 PM ET

·         Description: Once students are in Grade 4, they can still use the same strategies they’ve been using for multiplication. The strategies just need to be extended. Join this session to learn how to extend strategies into partial products and how students make connections to the standard algorithm. This session will cover the progression of multiplication only from Grade 4 through Algebra.

·         Registration Link


Session 4: Extending Basic Division Fact Strategies Through Grade 4 and Beyond!

·         Date and Time: Apr 8th at 4:00 PM ET

·         Description: Ever wonder how basic division fact strategies extend to other concepts? Join this session to explore how strong connections between basic division facts, place value division, and partial quotients support students through all grade-level division standards. This session will cover the progression of division only from Grade 4 through 6.

·         Registration Link



2025 Webinar Archives

Day in the Life of a Stepping Stones Classroom


A Day in the Life of a 1st Grade Stepping Stones Classroom
Session 1: Feb 4th


A Day in the Life of a 2nd Grade Stepping Stones Classroom
Session 2: Feb 24th


Multiplication and Division Progression Webinar

Downloadable and online resources


Setting Up for Multiplicative Thinking Success!
Session 1: Jan 21st


Progression of Basic Multiplication and Division Fact Strategies
Session 2: Feb 11th




2024 Webinar Archives

Catch up with our most most recent webinars with the links below!

Past Webinar Recordings: 

Memorization vs Knowing from Memory
Session 1: Sept 17th


The Power of Multiple Models
Session 2: Oct 15th

Supporting Students Struggling in Math

Session 3: The Importance of Context for Problem Solving: Nov 12th

Rocky the Raccoon headshot

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ORIGO Education

ORIGO Education has partnered with educators for over 25 years to make math learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible to all.

About The ORIGO Approach
Rocky figure flying a kite.