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The Think Tanks

Price: $760 for a Grade Level Set

Instruction: Grades 1-6
Intervention: Grades 2-8
Includes English and Spanish

About this product

Do your students need extra problem-solving and application practice? The Think Tanks are the perfect resource for all students. 

The Think Tanks save teachers time by providing 12 imaginative sets of 20 task cards that increase in difficulty for scaffolded independence. Think Tanks complement any curriculum and are suitable for any setting: whole group, small group, or independent work.

See for yourself.  Download sample cards from The Think Tanks Grades 1-6.

*Individual Think Tanks available. Fill out the form below for pricing.

Product options

  • The Think Tank:Problem-Solving:  Enables students to develop and apply problem-solving skills across five strands (number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability.) 
  • The Think Tank:Number Sense:  Develops number sense and thinking strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 
  • The Think Tank:Reasoning with Fractions: Builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. 
  • The Think Tank:Measurement and Geometric Thinking: Focuses on attributes and geometric shape while practicing core visual, spatial, and reasoning skills.

The perfect practice and application resource for: 

  • Intervention 
  • Enrichment 
  • Summer School 
  • Special Education 
  • Multilingual Learners 
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