The Book and Box of Fact Strategies:

Addition and Subtraction Strategies

English and Spanish | Instruction: Gr. 1–2 | Intervention: Gr. 3–8
rocky head figure

Build Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency in Your Classroom

Price: $649 for a Classroom Set
About this product

Learn how one district improved performance for more than 80% of their students in Tier 3 Intervention.

The Book and Box of Fact Strategies: Addition and Subtraction is designed to help teachers improve their students’ mathematical thinking skills and fluency with a comprehensive collection of engaging activities and visual aids in English and Spanish.

Build Multiplication and Division Fact Fluency in Your Classroom

Price: $649 for a Classroom Set
About this product

Learn how one district improved performance for more than 80% of their students in Tier 3 Intervention.

The Book and Box of Fact Strategies: Multiplication and Division is designed to help teachers improve their students’ mathematical thinking skills and fluency with a comprehensive collection of engaging activities and visual aids in English and Spanish.

Why choose The Book and Box of Fact Strategies?

Over 80% of students showed improvement
A recent study showed improved math performance in Tier 3 intervention across a district.

Research-based instruction
Researched math strategies are effective and efficient, making them the perfect addition to any classroom.

3 strategies to learn all multiplication and division facts
Strategies are organized in a easy-to-use teaching sequence to help students build fluency with number facts.

student smiling at desk

Addition Sample Lessons

The button contains the Addition Sample Lessons from The Book and Box of Fact Strategies – Addition and Subtraction.

Sample Lessons
Intervention Support

Subtraction Sample Lessons

The button contains the Subtraction Sample Lessons from The Book and Box of Fact Strategies – Addition and Subtraction.

Sample Lessons
students using the book and box of fact strategies

ORIGO’S Book and Box of Fact Strategies Leads to Impressive Math Improvement

Read the following case study to see the impact by using The Book and Box of Fact Strategies. Over 80% of students improved their math test scores across a midsize New England district.

Case Study

We’re definitely seeing a lot of trends of our fluency data increasing and kids really making some big gains around fluency in addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division. A lot of the TAs are really excited about ORIGO and the games that the students are playing, the skills that they’re picking up, and the kids are even excited! 

Math Coach

I can’t believe those kids picked up strategies so fast! Once I got going into the division, I realized they knew their multiplication. So now they feel confident enough, especially with the confidence that they’ve gained from their fluency in multiplication. 

Teaching Assistant, Middle School

The Book and Box of Facts: Addition and Subtraction  is designed to help teachers improve their students’ mathematical thinking skills with a comprehensive collection of engaging activities and visual aids. Our extensively researched strategies for teaching addition facts and subtraction facts are effective and efficient, making them the perfect addition to any classroom. With our formative assessments, teachers can monitor student progress and ensure that each student is building fact fluency on a foundation of understanding.

Our easy-to-use teaching sequence is organized to help students build fluency with number facts. Our addition and subtraction fact strategies help kids practice mental math in an exciting way. Print and digital tools, games, and strategy cards make it versatile and flexible for any classroom. Whether you are a seasoned educator or a new teacher, The Book and Box of Facts provides everything you need to help your students succeed.  Try The Book and Box of Facts and see the difference it can make in your classroom.

The perfect resource solution for:

  • Intervention
  • Enrichment
  • Summer School
  • Special Education
  • Multilingual Learners

Each Classroom Box of Fact Strategies includes laminated cards and step-by-step instructions organized by these thinking strategies:

  • Fact Cards – 55 fact cards
  • Hundred charts (1-100: empty) – 15 cards
  • Number lines (0-100: empty) – 30 cards
  • Sharing mats and grouping mats – 15 cards
  • Sharing mats – 15 cards
  • Strategy cards – 14 cards
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to use the cards

Digital resources accompany the new Teacher Book. The Teacher and Student Books include the following for each strategy:

  • Mathematical background and definitions of terms
  • Prerequisite activities
  • Introduction, reinforcement, practice, and extension activities
  • Reproducible blackline masters
  • Assessment and recording options
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