“Our Students Truly Understand Math!”: How ORIGO Education Is Changing Student Learning in Colorado
EARTH CITY, Mo., April 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — University Elementary School, a tuition-free K–5 public charter school located in Greeley, Colorado, has partnered with ORIGO Education to bring a conceptual understanding of mathematics to the forefront of teaching and learning.
ORIGO Education partners with teachers and administrators to make learning mathematics meaningful, enjoyable, and accessible for all students.
Student-centered learning, innovation, and teacher professional learning are key to University Elementary School’s values. ORIGO offers an instructional approach to build on a students’ natural ability to develop understanding and number sense in mathematics. All while providing educators with the researched-based best practices needed to be successful in the classroom.
The tradition of developing better ways to teach children is at the heart of University Elementary School. Recently, the school and ORIGO conducted a professional learning workshop for visiting in-state and out-of-state educational leaders in mathematics.
James Burnett, Founder, and CEO of ORIGO Education understands first-hand the importance of student and teacher success.
“ORIGO works alongside teachers and administrators to transform research and theory into constructive, everyday classroom practices that make learning mathematics meaningful and enjoyable for all students,” said Burnett. “University Elementary School wanted to share their insights and success of implementing ORIGO’s core mathematics program Stepping Stones 2.0 with other educational leaders.”
ORIGO knows, and research confirms, that having a mathematics curriculum and resources program that provides positive outcomes for students, teachers, and the school community starts with a solid partnership.
“ORIGO Stepping Stones helps our students engage by providing them with time to collaborate and discuss the mathematics being learned and taught. As well as providing a variety of resources to support their conceptual understanding of the mathematics involved,” said Angela Vanderbloom, University Elementary School’s math instructional coach.
Cora Halmo, assistant principal of University Elementary School, sees how implementing ORIGO Stepping Stones has had a positive impact on teachers. “ORIGO has given our teachers a greater conceptual understanding of math. Before adopting Stepping Stones, our teachers were unsure of the math block, and now they look forward to teaching math,” said Halmo. “With the help of the ongoing professional support from ORIGO and the materials provided within Stepping Stones, our teachers can create meaningful experiences for our students which has led to a deeper understanding of math.”
“ORIGO offers a comprehensive professional learning program built from the latest research of implementation science and tailored to the needs of the school,” said Burnett. “We were excited that University Elementary School opened their school to visiting educators and demonstrated their success with ORIGO Stepping Stones. The classroom tours and teacher collaboration were invaluable.”
Learn more. Check out other schools ORIGO has partnered with by clicking here.