University Schools Math Workshop Wednesday February 27, 2019
Join us and discover how to make math enjoyable for your students!
University Schools Elementary
6525 W. 18th Street, Greeley, CO 8063
12:00–4:30 PM
Classroom visits and expert presentation
James Burnett, author and math expert from ORIGO Education, joins us and other educational leaders to share ideas on how to provide students the skills needed for success!
Michael Mazurana, Elementary Principal
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Family and Teacher Workshop:
Is It Really New Math or Just a New Approach? Teaching the Basic Fact Strategies
Most adults agree that the “way” we learn mathematics today is very different to how we all learned it just a few decades ago. Please join James Burnett, author and math expert, along with families and teachers for this hands-on session that will demonstrate today’s approach for teaching basic number facts – that were once called “tables”. You will leave this workshop with a greater understanding and appreciation for teaching students how to “think ” and enjoy math!
Refreshments will be served.