Great Ideas

Beat the Summer Slide

Fun math activities to beat the summer slide!

Summer slide is a very real issue, especially in mathematics instruction in which students lose about one month of learning during the break. Beat the summer slide with these fun math activities.

Seven Fun Math Activities for the Summer Break

Check out Jacqui Murray’s article from Ask a Tech Teacher for great ideas to curb the summer slide.

Free Math Practice App

Num Fu was developed as a fun way for kids to retain math facts on an iPAD, iPhone, or other Apple devices. Download this free app from iTunes here.

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Keep the Fun in Summer Vacation

Download your copy of our Beat the Summer Slide Inspiration Sheet (by clicking on the Resource Hub icon below). This tool is packed with videos, fun tips, and games to help you keep math learning alive for students this summer.

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Click HERE to download more great ideas! Encourage parents to enjoy all the games and tools that we are pleased to share.

About ORIGO Education

ORIGO Education is dedicated to making learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible for all students with Pre-K and Elementary print and digital instructional materials, as well as professional learning for mathematics.

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Debi DePaul

ORIGO Education

ORIGO Education has partnered with educators for over 25 years to make math learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible to all.

About The ORIGO Approach
Rocky figure flying a kite.